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State’s Unique Nature and Outdoor Attractions
will Certainly Live-Up Your Night!

Unplug your devices, turn off your cell-phones and spend some quality time with your
loved ones. Try out some night-time outdoor activities to explore and appreciate the
mystery of the dark. It also creates many other opportunities for peace, tranquility
and exploration. As such, we list out 5 of Selangor’s attractions which will bring you
closer to nature and bedazzle your night.

1) Explore Some of the Best Stargazing Spots
Taking 45-minute journey from Kuala Lumpur and easily accessible by KTM, Kuala
Kubu Bharu (KKB) remains as one of the best spots preferred by avid stargazers.
Stargazing activity in KKB is an ideal getaway from the city. The fewer the
streetlights, the better. Enjoy the night vibe while stargazing to help reduce the
emission of the Chlorofluorocarbon Refrigerant (CFC) if you were to stay at home
switching the air-conditioner.

Kuala Kubu Bharu(KKB)

You do not have to go very far to enjoy stargazing activity as Selangor has the best
spot for you. Semenyih Dam is another spot to add to your list of stargazing sites. It
does not require hiking but it does take a little bit of a drive. Bring along some comfort
items like blankets, yoga mats or reclining chairs to improve viewing experience.
When you are away from home, you help save energy.

Semenyih Dam

2) Mesmerising Fireflies
A trip to Kuala Selangor without stopping by at Kampung Kuantan to watch fireflies
will not be complete. The village is situated about 56 km from Kuala Lumpur. It is one
of the most well-known firefly-watching spots in Selangor. You can ride on the
traditional sampan accommodating maximum four people to see the lightning bugs!

Besides, replanting Berembang trees would help supporting the efforts to conserve
fireflies’ habitats so that our future generations stand a chance to admire these
beauties. Apart from that, Bukit Belimbing which is also located in Kuala Selangor is
another firefly paradise along the Selangor River. It is an enchanting experience to
ride a boat during the evening and witness the beauty of the fireflies. It is very
important to create awareness on conserving Berembang trees for the fireflies to
breed and to help maintain the cleanliness of the river.

Fireflies Kampung Kuantan

3) Camp-it-Out!
Having a picnic by the Sungai Chongkak river is a must-do to those to who love vast
greenery surroundings and swim-able rivers. It is situated in Hulu Langat district and
takes about 50 minute-drive from Kuala Lumpur but it is worth the visit! Nevertheless,
the effort in keeping the campsite clean is always the crucial part to every visitor. So
do not forget to always pack and tidy everything up before you leave.

Sungai Congkak River

A place that deserves many returns for everyone that loves camping!
Commonwealth Eco Forest Park is for those who wish to escape from the hustle
and bustle of the city and immerse themselves in the great outdoors. It provides an
idyllic green getaway by combining dense jungle with landscaped gardens, lakes,
campgrounds, chalets, jogging tracks, hiking trails and many more! Also, “leave
nothing but footprints”; the simplest and most fundamental rule of all time.

Commonwealth Eco Forest Park

4) Love Heritage, Love Nature, Love Life! – Jungle School Gombak
Jungle School Gombak is a hidden gem that welcomes you on an eye-opening
outdoor and cultural adventure. It is situated in Batu Caves and you get to experience
Indigenous People’s authentic lifestyle, life skills, cultures and day-to-day activities.
The Interpretation Walk module at Jungle School Gombak allows you to learn on the
history of the jungles of Gombak and diverse jungle knowledge. It is important to
preserve nature and culture as they will become valuable heritage to the new

Jungle School Gombak

5) Staycation – Eco-friendly and Unique
With the tagline “Get Lost, Naturally”; The Sticks, KKB brings you to several jungle
houses. It takes an hour’s drive from Kuala Lumpur and is an off-grid glamping
retreat with 12 unique houses. 

Jungle School Gombak

You will unwind and enjoy the moments spent swaying in hammocks under the stars,
floating down the river or dining on hearty home-cooked meals by enjoying comfort
during the stay. A staycation that would disconnect you from your gadgets as phone
signals weaken. It is an indication of the remoteness of the eco-friendly The Sticks.
The retreat that provides back-to-nature experience that aims to connect visitors to
nature; Sekeping Serendah Retreats is a private retreat that strives to be
environmentally-conscious. The sheds are transparent to celebrate the natural-
beauty surroundings. An hour’s drive from Kuala Lumpur, it provides fun in a calm
way to escape from the demands of the city life. The fact that there is no air-
conditioning system and you have to bring your own toiletries here also shows how
eco-friendly the place is. Activities range from jungle trekking, taking a dip in the
waterfalls, visiting Orang Asli’s villages, and many more.

Invite your friends or family to some quality outdoor night activities in Selangor, and,
enjoy and appreciate bedazzling moments together with your loved- ones! The
campaign “Nak Bercuti? Pusing Selangor Dulu” by Tourism Selangor has been
highlighting the State’s best attractions to the masses. However, it is to be reminded
that tourists in Selangor must adhere to the SOPS set by the Malaysian National
Security Council. They should also register through mobile application
“SElangkah:Langkah Masuk Dengan Selamat”, maintain social distancing, use hand
sanitizers on a regular basis and wear face masks at all times.

For more information, please log on to the official website of Tourism Selangor at


 Official website:






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